Mining Individual Behavior Pattern Based on Semantic Knowledge Discovery of Trajectory

Min Ren, Feng Yang, Guangchun Zhou, Haiping Wang


This paper attempts to mine the hidden individual behavior pattern from the raw users’ trajectory data. Based on DBSCAN, a novel spatio-temporal data clustering algorithm named Speed-based Clustering Algorithm was put forward to find slow-speed subtrajectories (i.e., stops) of the single trajectory that the user stopped for a longer time. The algorithm used maximal speed and minimal stopping time to compute the stops and introduced the quantile function to estimate the value of the parameter, which showed more effectively and accurately than DBSCAN and certain improved DBSCAN algorithms in the experimental results. In addition, after the stops are connected with POIs that have the characteristic of an information presentation, the paper designed a POI-Behavior Mapping Table to analyze the user’s activities according to the stopping time and visiting frequency, on the basis of which the user’s daily regular behavior pattern can be mined from the history trajectories. In the end, LBS operators are able to provide intelligent and personalized services so as to achieve precise marketing in terms of the characteristics of the individual behavior.


spatiotemporal data, semantic trajectory, clustering, knowledge discovery

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